
Hala Bashir Malik is an architect, designer and researcher based in Lahore where she leads Hyper—Practice, a multi-disciplinary design and research practice focused on creating impactful spaces, experiences, systems and identities.

This site is primarily intended to be a personal blog, at least for now. Like most personal websites, it will perpetually remain a work in progress.


Besides regular work at Hyper—Practice, one of my current goals is to streamline the online presence of the practice. The website is currently being redesigned, and the target is to launch it before the end of Q2 2024. While most of our projects come from word of mouth references, we have expanded our service offerings and want to be more careful with the kind of work we take on, so it is important that our website and other social media platforms have the proper messaging to find the right projects.

I am also developing a website for Lahore Urban Archive, which is one of the key outputs from the UKRI-GCRF funded project I have been part of: Navigating the grid in the 'world-class city': poverty, gender, and access to services in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The project concludes at the end of this month. The aim is to have LUA ready to launch by the end of April 2024.

Note: This section is supposed to be a brief update on what I'm currently focused on. I haven't decided if I want to keep a record of all my updates. If I do, this section will probably turn into a dedicated page of its own.

Last updated on: March 19, 2024


Tweet-style short multimedia posts.
quick updates; fleeting thoughts; links, etc.

Designed on webflow as a static website; deployed via Github. Font set in Instrument Sans mostly. Instrument Serif for blog titles, and Inconsolata for captions, navigation links, etc.

The idea for this website came about two days ago, on March 14. It is now two days later, and I have this basic static website ready; it shall do for now. I haven't been this excited about working on something in a long time — which is also part of the reason why this is even being set up — to hopefully find love for all the work I do (or hope to do) once again, and discipline needed to make that happen. More on that later.